Sunday, June 14, 2009



This article is believed to be public property as no copyright is expressed and the original authors are unknown. To the best of my knowledge it is being freely distributed via the Internet. I wish to give full credit to those who created it, whomever they may be.




Super nipples


Ok nipples, I think I have had enough already. You are out of control. I appreciate the fact that you can ‘liven up’ when invited to a romp-n-roll party in the bedroom, but you are NOT always encouraged to come out! Don’t you ever get tired? You are always up.
You aren't living up to your legend of only coming out when it's cold. You are out in the heat, the cold, the rain, at night, all day. Please get some rest! People will start to think I am crazy because I am always staring at you making sure you behave. I often look at other girl’s chests to see if they suffer from the same malfunction. They probably think I’m more perverted than men. I’m tired of people asking me if I’m cold when it’s over 90-degrees out. Stop trying to make a statement, you know how to be hard, I get it!
You embarrass me for God's sake! Why would you want to do that, I both love and take care of you. And all I get in return is that you’ve gotten me into a world of trouble.
It was your fault that I was lured into that 3 ½-year relationship from hell that forever scarred me and has thus kept me single for over 2-years. If that ass hadn't seen OU first, then he wouldn't have spoken to me. You don't have to say HELLO to everyone!

And the maintenance guy in my building, come on! He's like 60 and looks like humpty-dumpty's grandfather! Please don't talk to him anymore! Oh, and the 18-ear old. He's a Christian! Leave him alone or God may deflate you forever! I know you don't want that and neither do I.
You remember years ago when 2-of my co-workers suggested that I go buy thicker bras, yeah I bet you thought that was funny didn't you? Well I didn't. Now there is like an inch of material between you and my shirt, yet I still see you trying to open your big fat yap.
I know that my sports bra is thin and all, but I'd appreciate it if you didn't beam your headlights when I'm working out. Though I like people to look at me when I'm running, I want them to admire my muscles, they work a lot harder than you, and YOU are taking all the attention away from them. Please stop it!
I know you LOVE my roommate. I love her too, she's the greatest, she's the best, and I know you get excited when you see her. I think she feels the same way, but please don't hog all of her attention. She works really late and I don't get to see her much and you are always trying to PUNCH THROUGH and steal my thunder.



Though I like to cross my arms and show off my beautifully toned biceps (LOL), most of the time I am really trying to cover you up. I don’t want to be ashamed of you, but you have to learn to respect me.
I love men, super nipples, but not ALL men. I wish sometimes you would attract the right ones instead of talking to EVERYONE! I know I’m single and you really want someone to play with you, so I appreciate your trying to help me out, but please, PLEASE, let me have a say in who we talk to. It’s not YOUR decision alone. I think my eyes are my best feature, and they are on my face. Whether you like it or not, you must share the attention with the rest of my body!
Super nipples, we have been a part of each other for 27-years, you aren't going anywhere, and neither am I. But I am putting my foot down. If you don't stop this, I may be forced to tape your mouth shut!


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