Thursday, September 18, 2008

uh yeah----part-1-of-1

Uh yeah



Yes, sometimes divorce is a necessary evil but can be so nasty, don't you agree, especially when there are rumors of another woman involved. However, just to clarify, I am not divorced. I am widowed.
My husband, Tom, went out on our boat with Sam on a fishing expedition. At the last minute, I was unable to go. I was feeling as though I had caught the flu and decided to stay home and take care of it. I expected them home around 5 p.m. but they were late. I figured they had good day fishing and had decided to stay out later than planned. I tried to reach him by cell phone but to no avail, as I assume they were out of the area. By 2 a.m., they found the boat tied up to the dock, but there was no evidence of him or Sam.


A search party was launched but they didn't know where to look, since the boat was back at dock. The coast guard figured that they must have been pretty far out since the gas tank was on empty, and from our experience, that meant he went out to one of the best fishing spots that he loved to fish at, about three hours out and away from prying eyes. They couldn't figure out how the boat got back to the dock, which was pretty unnerving for me, as you might imagine. I kept expecting Tom and Sam to walk through the door any second, and made it clear to the cops that they would be home any minute.


Anyways, to make a long story short, about a month later, a couple of fishermen caught a huge shark and brought it back to the public dock. When they gutted the fish were and surprised to see four three pound weights in the belly of the fish, as well as other odds and ends, like a cell phone and a laser tag. (Amazing what those critters will eat.)


Further examination showed that there were un-digested body parts, including a man's finger with a unique wedding band. The inscription on his wedding band (according to the coroner) was identical to mine. They also found other undigested body parts belonging to a woman named Samantha, which was determined by a signature piece of jewelry that she recently always wore. She claimed it was a gift from her new lover, who it was rumored to be married. They discovered her name engraved inside the bracelet with a term of endearment, and the initials T.R.


The coast guard still can't figure out how the boat got back to shore, though and I guess I am not at liberty to say. After all, I was home all day, in bed. My neighbor told the investigator that she came over around noon and knocked on the door but there was no answer. This was odd, as I assured them that I was home, sleeping. I guess it was the double dose of Nyquil that made me sleep so well.


My neighbor commented the next morning on my sunburn, but again, that must have been from the day before, even though she thought it had rained most of that day. Oh well, mysteries will remain mysteries, won't they?



The End…



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