Tuesday, February 26, 2008





Class Assignment



The assignment was simple. ‘You had a dream. What was it?’ Ostensibly, it was an introduction to prose for college freshmen. It gave Kathy a chance to see who had talent and who didn’t. It was also one of Kathy’s ribald pleasures.


In the past she’d heard everything from; aspirations for the future, both boring and lofty, to what could only have been heavily drug induced. Frightening as it was, it was al probably a tale from real life. Once in a while, though, some brave soul would titillate everyone with a sexy story. These were Kathy’s favorites, and each year she hoped for something that she could copy and take to bed with her.


The ground rules were also simple and fair and totally anonymous. One could make up anything they liked, without fear of embarrassment or reprisal.


Each had to be at least two pages in length and in any style the author liked. All submissions were to be emailed from a general account in the library. No one need ever know, if they chose to hide, who wrote what.


In reality, though, this wasn’t entirely true. Kathy could tell, by comparing writing styles of later works and a few other clues, just who owned what. Giving them anonymity, she learned long ago, brought out the true talent in those that had the gift. It was a sly ploy, and fraught with ulterior motives, but sound teaching none the less. The end justifies the means, or so she rationalized to herself.


This year’s crop was of the usual sort, one was a boxer, another president, and still another was Cleopatra on her barge. The writing generally ranged from poor to acceptable, and Kathy was soon losing hope that anything special, would arise. This all changed, for the sinfully delicious, with three papers to go.


It was marvelous, and so very dirty. Even the places that didn’t contain anything obscene left open the door to possibilities. She had to read the last two papers in the office the next morning. It had suddenly become a busy night.


“I’ve read your work,” Kathy announced to her class. “Some were very good. Others.... well, we have a long year ahead of us. “She sighed. “As I usually do, I’d like to read some of those I found interesting. We can discuss some of the themes and literary devices before we jump into serious study.” The class groaned in mild opposition, but she just had to know who wrote this dirty, dirty thing.


“Here’s one I found particularly interesting.” Her fingers clenched tighter on the paper. She still blushed when saying things, such as were typed out in front of her. Courage, though, one must show courage as a teacher. She had to know.


She cleared her throat and read:


“‘I dreamed I was a showgirl in Vegas, in the early sixties. The town was alive with sins of all sorts.’” She read with a flourish. “‘The Mob owned everything, of course, including me. I was beautiful in a land where mere beauty wasn’t special.


‘Every night I bared most of my body for the sole purpose of making the guests want to gamble more. It was degrading, and I loved it.


‘I was a toy for anyone who wanted to play with me, and could afford the price my owners set. After shows, my hotel room would be filled with flowers and propositions. Some were from starry eyes guests, but the ones that counted were from the mobsters. They would ply me with gifts and money to use my body for their lewd and self-serving purposes, and I let them. I looked forward to it, in fact, for it made me useful in a town where everyone was expendable.’” She shifted in her chair ever so lightly, and not entirely unnoticed by some in the class.


“‘On a particular night, I had just finished my show. My naked body was sweaty and what little costume I was allowed was falling off me. I willingly stripped before all the gorgeous women I worked with and showered, pausing just long enough to share a hot kiss with a brunette with a taste for women. What the hell? My life was just one big party. Why not grab all


I could, right?


‘I dressed and said my goodbyes for the night. Maybe I’d see one or two of the girls again before tomorrow, but we’d be busy by then and, we all knew it.


‘Tony, they were all named Tony, caught me at the bar. I giggled at his jokes and batted my eyelashes on cue. Soon he was promising me the moon, and talked of my future in fairy tale terms. It was all part of the game. He invited me to a party in another hotel. He said I could meet some friends of his, producers that might take me to Hollywood with them. I didn’t buy any of this crap, as usual, but it always sounded so good. He bought me a few drinks, by the terms of The Big Mob Rule Book, and we left in his car.’” She stopped there and took a breath, more to see if anyone else knew where this was going too, than anything else. It was always a dead giveaway with freshman.


‘I spent the ride doubled over in the seat, his half inflated cock in my jaded mouth.’” She shook her head, showing the proper amount of professional disgust. “‘I worked him over like the pro I had become. He did his part and pretended to enjoy it, while driving with the precision of a jet pilot. Ever the gentlemen, he waited while I retouched my smeared lipstick before we entered The Sands. Two extremely large men showed us to a private elevator for the privileged. I winked at each as a form of tip. Tony just gave each of them cash.


‘In the elevator, Tony insisted I strip down to my panties.’” She shifted again, and didn’t care who was watching for a second. “‘It was like playing dress ups as a kid, with just as much consequence. In this town where the Devil was king, mere nudity was a cheap commodity.’” That line still made her neck twinge, even on the fourteenth reading.


“‘I was shown into a room full of leering eyes and groping hands. No one spoke directly to me, other than to ply me with more liquor or offer the most ignorant of advances. Men felt my body and dumped drinks in my panties, both front and back, and generally handled me like the prized cow that I was.’”


Kathy wanted so badly to scream, “Who the hell are you? I must know!”


”I did indeed see one of the girls from my dance troupe there. She was wearing only the feathered headdress that we had used a few weeks before. She knelt on the floor, a cock in her mouth and one in each hand, like some bawdy recreation of a crucifixion. I only felt envy for the attention she was amassing.’” The teacher in her was impressed with the vocabulary, even on the fourteenth reading.


“It wasn’t long before some genius wanted to see me next to her. With the customary killer smile, I took my place on the floor, tossing my wet panties to the wolves waiting to be serviced. I took each load of man cum with glee, filling my empty belly with the only calories I would have today. I was in my own private glory.” ‘Speaking of private glory’, Kathy mused in the back of her mind with a smile.


“Before the circus was over, both my colleague and I were flat on our backs, all for the taking by the men who protected Sodom and Gomorra. ‘I lost count of the number of cocks I had in my holes and soon grew numb to the mixed pain and pleasure both. It was all just a game, and I was just a pawn. I awoke the next morning in my room alone and sticky with that film of the debauchery that I loved so much. I showered for another day at the office’ ” She loved the metaphor.


The classroom was deadly quiet as Kathy finished. She squirmed slightly in her chair again, and felt the sopping cotton of her panties against her thigh. She reminded the clock that the class should end soon with a warning look.


“Does the author wish to identify herself?” Kathy asked, biting her lip against hope. No one moved or uttered a sound.


There was one spark of recognition, however. A cold and intense stare made it’s way across the room, slapping Kathy in the face with its force. It sprang from the eyes of a beautiful young man, or so she thought of him on occasion. He kicked the bag of football gear at his feet, daring her to catch him. Kathy was shocked. It took several minutes for her to sort through the minefield of endless questions she knew she’d never get answers to.


“I dreamed I was a clown in a circus,” Kathy intoned, dropping her head into the next paper. The class giggled, desperate for a distraction. Kathy bit her lip and prayed she didn’t just start something. She loved this job, and it’s perks.



The end…

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