Monday, January 14, 2008





I was in Indiana last night visiting family when I had to stop at a convenience store to get a bottle of water. They were still plowing the front lot, but the back parking lot had been cleared of snow, so like it or not, I had to park my car back there in the semi-dark.
When I went into the store, this young black guy who was probably 17 or 18 tops, was in there acting all ‘thuggish’ and strutting around the place. Being that I'm a very attractive 29-year old, athletic redhead, he started looking me up and down in a very openly disrespectful way, saying things like, "Dayum, that's some FOIYNE white girl poo-zay! Gots ta get me summa dat!"
I started laughing because he was the same height as me, 6-foot and probably only weighed about a buck-fifty and, which put him only about 5 pounds more than I weigh. "Scrawny ass dudes don't do it for me, sorry," I told him, then went and got my water. When I came back to the counter, he had gone outside the store and was ‘chillin’ out in the snow, trying to look casual while he was shivering there in his hoodie and baggy jeans hanging down around the middle of his thighs. Does fashion just become stupidity when it starts to cause you hypothermia, I wonder?
I went out the front door and started walking back around the building to my car, when this little puissant-jerk off started following me, going, "Hey baby, it's cold out here. Whyantcha take me wit'choo and I'll warm that bootay right up, y'all?"
As he followed me to my car, I started cracking up laughing again. I got out my keys to unlock the car door when ‘Mr. Cool’ came up beside me and leaned against the car so I can't open the door. Then with a big smirk, he said, "Come on, now, shorty, you know you want it. I'm gonna be fuckin-A that yay-o." With that, he reaches out and puts his hand up under my ass and digs his fingers in. I'm only wearing sweatpants and a short parka over the top of that, and even though they're thick, he still got a good grip.
That's when I grab the 1,000,000-volt Small Fry stun gun I carry in the outside pocket of my purse and zap his grabby punk butt--right in the crotch. I got the stunner when I was going on a road trip earlier this year but had never needed it before. Damn, when I zap him it stood him up like he had been hit by a cattle prod! His teeth start chattering and he makes this "G-g-g-guh!" sound as I grabbed him with my other hand and really jammed that stun gun back up against his ‘widdle pee-pee.’
I'm a pretty strong girl, played volleyball and pole-vaulted in high school and college, so I had no problem holding onto him against the car while I continued to zap him. I couldn’t help laughing as he ‘spazzed’ out as I zapped him. I'm not normally a vindictive person but the bald-faced audacity of this little ghetto-punk just really pissed me off. It occurred to me that he was probably thinking to himself, "Late night, mostly deserted back parking lot, pretty white chick with a car, I'm gonna get me some ass if I have to take it," or some bullshit like that. It was pretty clear to me from the way he tried to jam his fingers up my ass through my sweatpants that he had no respect for me or for women in general.
When I bought my stun gun, the directions said, "The electrical shock that emits from the unit will not pass from the person being stunned to the person doing the stunning. The effect is localized only in the affected area and does not pass through the body. Even if you or the attacker are wet or standing in water, you will not get shocked." Which was good, because I zapped his ass until the batteries ran out, which was probably a good six or seven minutes. I was surprised that it lasted that long, considering that it was cold and that the stun gun is a rechargeable. I just grabbed his collar and shoved that little asshole's skinny butt up against my car and held him there with my hip. As I zapped him, he locked up, foamed at the mouth, and his eyes rolled up in his head.
By the time the stun gun stopped working, he had pissed and shit himself and when I let him go, fell face first onto the parking lot and lay there twitching fish like a fish out of water.
I’ll bet the little wanna-be tough-guy rapist jag-off will think twice about trying to molest a lone white woman the next time. This was never about race or him being a black guy. It was about him being an arrogant, disrespectful asshole that thought because I was a white girl I was defenseless. Or maybe because he's black that I should have let him grope and molest me for affirmative action's sake? And no, I'm not racist. I've even gone on dates with black guys a couple of times and one of my best friends is a South African guy who I work with. When I told him about what happened, he said that in his country, they would have beaten that little idiot with thorny branches for molesting a woman like that.
If his brains aren't so scrambled from being zapped for half a dozen minutes that he can even think about it in the first place. If someone did that to your girlfriend or wife or sister or mom, you'd want them to zap his ass retarded too.

Stupid people who try to fuck with other people for no reason deserve everything they get when it blows up in their faces.



The end…

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